Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My thoughts on Giveaways

Here is my take on giveaways: I love them. I love to receive (useful and interesting) free things, and I love to give them away. I find a lot of really cool, useful and interesting things, and when I can I like to share them with people; with my family, friends and now my blog readers. I will give away books, herbal or natural products I make, other products, food, services and more. (hint hint: the more is coming up soon!)

One thing that I do ask of you is that if you win something here and you don't need or want it, please let me know so I can give it away to someone else. I don't want you to take something if you really don't want it, and I can give it away to someone else. :-)

Please tell your friends, family and online circles about my blog.

Drumroll Please!

My first Giveaway will be a pair of bus tickets from Boston, MA to Burlington VT leaving Friday 2-22-13 in the morning and coming back Monday 2-25-13 in the evening.
Church Street Marketplace. Click Pic for more info.

For your chance to win 1.) You must be subscribed to my Blog Newsletter and 2.) You must get someone else to subscribe to my Blog Newsletter. That's it! For each person you get to subscribe, your name will be added to the drawing again for a better chance at winning. You can shoot me an email or comment below to let me know which new subscribers you sent my way. So get the word out; tell your Facebook friends, Twitter followers and Email lists to SUBSCRIBE! Here's the link to the signup form:

The contest will end Sunday 12-23-12 and the winner will be announced 12-24-12.

I will also be sending out my FIRST Newsletter this week, so look out for it!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

My First Juices!

My birthday is coming up, and for an early birthday present my Boyfriend gave me the money to get a juicer (which was on my birthday list!) I am happy to say that I purchased my juicer and have begun juicing! I made my first juice yesterday. It was delicious and consisted of 4 oranges, 4 lemons, 8 strawberries, 8 carrots and 2 inches of ginger. It was a bit on the sour side, because of the lemons. But from now on I intend to use half the number of lemons and make this juice regularly.

Today I made a second juice, a Green Juice. I juiced spinach, celery, kale, Swiss chard, 2 Granny Smith apples, 1 Gala apple, about 6 small strawberries and 2 carrots. At first I only intended to use green veggies and green apples... but I tasted it and decided that I needed some sweetness so then I added the carrots, red apple and strawberries.

I also noticed that my juicer didn't do too well with the Spinach or the kale. It actually just seemed to chop them up and dispense it into the pulp bin and didn't make much juice from these vegetables. This is something I need to look into! But overall, I'm excited that I've began juicing and I'm looking forward to incorporating juice into my diet.

And thanks Babe for the Birthday Gift :-)

Friday, October 26, 2012

My Blog is My Friend

My blog is my friend. I tell her about all the amazing things I'm learning, and she listens eagerly and then shares it with the world. I tell her facts, give her my opinions and even speculate with her. She's always interested, and because she's so generous, I know someone else somewhere out there is too. 
For this I'm grateful.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Natural Highs

There are several safe, effective and legal herbs to create natural highs. These are safe to use in this way occasionally. I just want to put it out there, that all of these are contraindicated during pregnancy except Skullcap (so do not use these if you are pregnant!). Always start at the smallest dose and work your way up the dose that's right for your mind and body. Never drive while high, and please be responsible. If you need more information, contact me or your local Herbalist.
General info/Indications: I've used skullcap for headache with success. Skullcap is a great Nervine tonic, which means it nourishes and heals the nervous system. It also has a relaxing effect. Skullcap is great to take for headache, nervous tension and pre-menstrual tension. It is also great for exhaustion, depressed conditions and any kind of withdrawal.
Dosage: 3-10 or more droppers of tincture for a higher state of consciousness.

Kava Kava
General info/Indications: I was first introduced to Kava when it was suggested that I take it when going through a tough time and having a series of bad days. Kava has been described as a "mild tranquilizer o relax the mind and clarify the thought processes, soothe the temperament and induce a mild euphoria with feelings of peace and harmony". It is used around the world for these reasons.
Dosage: 3-50 or more droppers of tincture for mind altering states. I would also recommend taking the tincture in a smoothie with coconut oil or with whole milk if possible as it is fat soluble.

Holy Basil/Tulsi
General info/Indications: My first experience with Holy Basil was for consciousness shifting at a Shamanic Plant Journeying workshop. Holy Basil is a calming adaptogen. It can help cope with stress and clarify thinking. It is used to clear "mental fog" caused by cannabis smoking, "cloudy thinking" caused by menopause, poor memory, ADD and ADHD as well as speed up recovery from head trauma.
Dosage: 2-4 droppers of tincture 1-4x per day or drink the tea as enjoyed for consciousness shifting.

General info/Indications: Ashwagandha is a calming adaptogen. It enhances endocrine function and heals the thyroid, testes and adrenal glands. It is also a nervine and is very effective for anxiety, fatigue cloudy thinking, stress-induced insomnia and nervous exhaustion. It can be use clear excess cortisol and  to down regulate chronically high cortisol. It is an excellent tonic for the brain, and is a possible aphrodisiac.
Dosage: 3-6 grams of powder or 2-5 droppers of tincture for a natural high. You can use 5 grams of of powder in warm milk or coconut milk before bed for 1 week to reset cortisol levels.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Re-patterning Our Nervous Systems

This post is actually the prequel to my post on safe and legal ways to get a natural high. This is taken from Jessica Godino's Natural Highs Handout from the Southeastern Women's Herbal Conference 2012, NC.

Before we can inhabit a maintained state of ecstasy/bliss we need to repattern our nervous systems out of the chronic fight or flight most of us are in; stress hormones will block our intrinsic feel good hormones.

Principles of transforming outr nervous systems

Create an environment that allows for the production of intrinsic “feel good” neurochemicals by eliminated stress hormones as much as possible, help our nervous systems become adapted to handle bliss.
  1. Sleep in total darkness (like our ancestors did except during the full moon. supports melatonin production which is the precursor hormone to many mind-altering and consciousness uplifting chemicals in our body. Most importantly, this is the fastest way to regulate your cortisol levels)
  2. Decrease stress however you can don’t argue... just do it. Get help to give up your addiction to chronic stress.
  3. Take herbs that lower cortisol: ashwaganda, holy basil
  4. Take nervines to heal nervous systems that are stuck in fight or flight: ashwaganda, skullcap, oatstraw.
  5. Eat plenty of saturated fat, including organic coconut oil and milk, butter, and lard. (fat heals and calms the nervous system and adrenals like nothing else... try it and you will see)
  6. Exercise, especially high intensity or with weights (this seems to induce a remarkable resiliency to stress, as well as producing its own natural endorphin high)
  7. Get your blood sugar under control. Blood sugar instability, in the form of high (insulin resistance or diabetes), or low (hypoglycemia) is one of the single biggest internal driving factors of high cortisol.
  8. Nourish yourself. The nervous system THRIVES in the presence of not only fat but minerals. Eat mineral rich foods and herbs (like nettles, oatstraw) and avoid mineral depleting foods (like unsoaked grains and vegetable oils)

If you have been in fight or flight for years, it can months or years to change the habit. It may be the single most important thing you do for your health and consciousness.

Monday, October 22, 2012

How To Make an Herbal Honey

Herbal Honeys are amazing! There are 2 types of herbal honey, one where the bees are left to pollinate vast fields of a specific plant(s), and the second is when honey is infused with herbs. You can make herbal honey for the beautiful flavor it produces or to receive the health benefits of some plants. I've made Lavender and Cinnamon Honeys, and they are absolutely delicious! Here I'll give simple directions on how to make infused herbal honey.
Cinnamon infusing on the left and Lavender on the right.

Clean, dry jar with lid
Honey (Only use pure raw honey; try Goldenrod or Wildflower honey, but you can use any quality honey)
Herbs (such as lavender, cinnamon sticks, motherwort, etc: I prefer dry herbs because then you don't have to worry about water or fermentation, but fresh herbs can be used and are said to taste better/stronger)
Clean dry knife
Wax paper

  1. Fill the jar 1/4-1/3 of the way with plant material.
  2. Fill the jar the rest of the way with honey.
  3. Mix well with the knife.
  4. Mix some more!
  5. Put a piece of wax paper on the mouth of the jar, then cap.
  6. Let sit for 2-3 weeks (or more). Flip upside down several times every day.
  7. To strain: Heat honey to no more than 100-104 degrees F. You can heat a small pot of water and put the jar in the pot. This makes it more liquid and easier to pour and strain.
  8. Pour honey into a fine mesh strainer over a jar.
  9. Enjoy! Infused honey can last up to a year.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Benefits of Honey

Honey is a very beneficial food and medicine. Pure raw honey contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes not available in refined honey.  Darker honey tends to have higher levels of antioxidants. You can buy different types of honey, where the bees pollinate certain types of plants such as Blueberry, Clover, Manuka, Orange Blossom and Wildflower. You can also infuse herbs and plants in honey, such as Lavender  Cinnamon, Hawthorne, Motherwort and Comfrey, which can give flavor and/or more health properties. Raw honey comes with a myriad of health benefits Including:

  1. Honey heals wounds by sucking out water and killing microbes and heals burns. It also has a High pH. To use honey to heal wounds: a) Fill wound with honey. b) Put some honey on a gauze pad. c) Put the gauze on the wound. d) Put another dry gauze pad on top and use adhesive tape to secure. *You can try infusing would healing herbs like Comfrey into your honey for wounds.
  2. Honey contains antioxidants, which help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.
  3. Honey reduces cough and throat irritation, and has been shown to be just as effective, if not more effective, as over-the-counter cough medicine.
  4. Honey has live enzymes and friendly bacteria that are good for your body and digestive system.
  5. Honey can prevent seasonal allergies. Take a Tablespoon of LOCAL honey everyday, and when allergy season comes your symptoms will likely be lessened. This must be started long before your allergy season is here. Other ways you consume honey also can count towards your daily tablespoon.
  6. Honey is also very useful for skin and hair. It has antibacterial properties and is moisturizing and nourishing. You can include honey in many skin and hair DIY recipes. You can use honey as a hair conditioner. Just coat your hair with honey after washing (hopefully with a no-poo method) and rinse thoroughly.
These are just some of the wonders of honey. Make sure you add honey to your diet and substitute it for refined white sugar when you can.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

How to make a Strawberry Cordial

2 Clean jars
Mixing spoon (at least as tall as the jar) 

  1. Wash and dry the strawberries. Cut off the leaves and the white part at the top. 
  2. Slice Strawberries in half .
  3. Fill the jar ¾ of the way with strawberries.
  4. Fill the jar with vodka.
  5. Store in a cool dark place for 2 weeks. Shake the jar everyday.
  6. Strain the strawberries from the vodka, leaving a little bit of vodka with the strawberries.
  7. Add the sugar to the strawberries and mix well: use 2 cups of sugar for each pound of strawberries. There should be one jar with vodka and another with strawberries, a little vodka and sugar. You can adjust the amount of sugar to your liking.
  8. Store in a cool dark place for 1 month. Shake occasionally.
  9. Mix the strawberry mixture with the vodka. Mix thoroughly.
  10. Strain the strawberries from the vodka.
  11. Store the vodka in a cool dark place for 4-6 more months. The longer it sits, the better the flavor.
  12. Enjoy or bottle and gift!

*Experiment with different fruits, such as berries and peaches, and liquors, such as whiskey and rum!

Friday, October 12, 2012

How to Make Kale Chips

Kale chips are a simple easy to make! I made them for the first time recently, and plan to make them frequently to satisfy my salty chip fix. They were pretty good. 1 cup of kale provides you with more than enough vitamins and minerals: 134% of  your daily recommended Vitamin C, 684%  of recommended Vitamin K, 206% of recommended Vitamin A, 25% recommended Manganese among other nutrients. Kale is definitely a a good food choice to incorporate into your healthy diet.

1 bunch of kale
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper

  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Wash and dry your kale. The kale needs to be thoroughly dry.
  3. Remove the stalks from the kale.
  4. Cut or tear the kale into medium (about 1-2 inch) pieces
  5. Put the kale into a bowl. Add the olive oil, salt, pepper and pumpkin seeds. Mix well with your fingers to make sure the kale is covered in oil and spices.
  6. Spread the kale into a baking sheet or 2. You don't want the kale to be on top of each other; spread it out to single layer. You may need to roast your chips in batches because of space.
  7. Put the kale into the oven. Roast for 5-10 minutes. Take your chips out when they are crispy but still green; you don't want your chips to turn brown
  8. Enjoy!

*Recipe adapted from 50 Shades of Kale.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Prayer for Abundance

This is another prayer I say to ask for Abundance and Affluence in my life:

Prayer for Abundance

I acknowledge that the greatest service I can offer the world
Is to live a life of love and joy,
Living the life of my dreams, doing what I love the most
And sharing it with the world.
I allow abundance to flow to and through my life
In an ever widening, infinite stream,
Expanding my horizons, transforming my experiences
And growing the positive difference I make in the world.

I allow the creation of my visions and dreams
With ease and grace,
Along a beautiful and magical path of wonder and joy.

I choose to honour myself, taking delight in my journey
And the exciting new life that unfolds before me.

I allow the Universe to honour me abundantly in
Love, health, wealth, friendship, family and fun!!

Given and received with Thanks! (*I give and receive with thanks)

By Lisa Frost

*Change and use this to fit into your life!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Simple Prayer of Thanks

This is a prayer that I say daily to help me feel gratitude and give thanks:

A Simple Prayer of Thanks

I am grateful for my family and friends,
a job to earn my keep, and the health to do it,
and opportunities and the lessons I've learned.
Let me never lose sight of the simple blessings
that form the fabric and foundation of my life,
I am blessed, yesterday, today and tomorrow.

*Change and use this to fit into your life!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Daily Practice: FEELING Gratitude

If you've been feeling down lately about your situation, something that may help with this is the act of giving thanks. If you take time out of your day, everyday, to intentionally FEEL Gratitude, you can really improve your mood, and therefore your circumstances. I've started making this a daily practice, and have truly been feeling better about myself and my circumstances. This practice has also had an effect on my relationships. I thank God (or whom/whatever you want to thank) everyday for the things I feel most strongly about on that day and the things I intentionally want to have a better attitude about.

How to have a daily practice of Feeling Gratitude:

Carve out a time everyday for your practice.

Start a journal. Everyday write the things you are grateful for. Include the first things that come to mind (ex. I am grateful for being able to read and write) as well as things you intentionally want to feel grateful for (ex. I want to have a better relationship with my partner, and one of the things that will help with this is me having a better attitude about the relationship, therefore I write: I am thankful for my loving and supportive partner, _____ )

Speak your gratitude. Read what you've written in your journal aloud.

Visualize. Feel gratitude. It isn't enough to just say your grateful, you must actually feel the feelings of gratitude. (Example: Think about all the opportunities you have because you can read and write. FEEL how happy you are that you have these opportunities. Focus on the loving and supportive things your partner does for you. FEEL how happy you are to have a partner with these traits, and FEEL the love you have for him/her.) Be sure to do this for each thing you've written on your list for the day.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Eat Naked

Margaret Floyd, the author of Eat Naked

I've been well, thanks. How about you?

I took a break from posting, but now I'm back!

I've finished my first term of massage school, and this is actually my last day of my 2-week break. I've been enjoying doing a whole bunch of nothing! I've been relaxing, mostly. Looking forward to starting back up with school tomorrow. I have also been trying to apply the Law of Attraction to my life by trying to develop some positive habits. I've started a journal, where I write daily. I write the feelings that I want to feel for the day, what I'm grateful for and some bigger picture goals. I speak these things, as well as say some prayers for abundance and gratitude. I have also been doing some visualization. I have been trying really hard to keep a positive attitude about things and I've been feeling really great since I started this practice. I know it's working and I'm pretty excited to see where this will take me.

I've been continuing with my study of Nutrition, herbs and health. Learning about what health means to me and how I can find my healthy balance. I've been thinking about becoming more active in my community and I'm actually hosting a showing of the "docudrama" Diary of a Tired Black Man, which playfully takes a look at the dynamics between Black men and women. I'm excited about the interesting and likely heated discussion that will follow. If you're in the Boston area, come!

This upcoming weekend I'll be headed down to North Carolina to attend the Southeast Women's Herbal Conference. This is my first time attending, and I'm really excited. I'm totally looking forward to being around so many women interested in and practicing holistically healthy lifestyles. I'm ready for 3 days of workshops and fellow-shipping with some wonderful women. I'm sure I will come back a new me! LOL.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Energy Boosters!

Many of us feel like we have low energy, or that we just need more of it. Instead of drinking 4 cups of coffee everyday or a Monster or Red Bull, we can use natural and actually healthy alternatives to boost our energy. I will go through 3 herb groups that can improve our energy: Tonic herbs, immediate energy boosters, and herbs that help you relax and/or sleep so you can properly rejuvenate.

Tonic Herbs:
Some tonic herbs particularly good at increasing energy supply are Nettle, Dandelion, Ashwangadha and Korean (or Panax) Ginseng. Tonic herbs are good to take daily, and build up your specific body systems. Most of these herbs specifically build up the adrenal system, and all have essential vitamins and minerals.
I would recommend making a tea blend of the tonic herbs listed and drinking a small pot daily: 1-2 cups in the morning and another later in the day. 
For women, I would also highly recommend taking an Iron supplement daily. The best way to get your iron (and other vitamins and minerals) is through foods because your body can easily absorb it. The next best way is through a supplement made with herbs/food rather than by taking Iron pills. An Iron syrup can be an excellent way to take your daily dose of Iron.
I would recommend 1-4 tablespoons daily, or follow the directions on the bottle.

Immediate Energy Boosters:
Some herbs to give you that extra (strong) push when you need it include Cacao and Yerba Mate. Cacao is an incredible food, it has one of the highest amount of antioxidants of all foods. It is also rich in many vitamins and minerals including magnesium, calcium and iron. Eating/drinking Cacao can definitley give you a natural and strong energy boost, you should use it in moderation especially in the beginning when your figuring out how much you need/want for your body. Yerba Mate is an herb that you prepare like tea. It is a very good and healthy alternative for those who like their daily cup (or 6) of coffee.

Relaxation Encouragers:
Getting enough sleep is a really important part of feeling energized everyday. Sleep is when we recuperate from the day's activities so we can wake up rejuvenated and ready for the next. Sometimes when relaxation and sleep elude you, you may need some extra help. Kava Kava can be an excellent herb to help you relax. This herb can be very helpful when you may be feeling wired up, when your mind is still in work-mode at bedtime or when you've just had a terrible day and need something to take you away from that. You can make a tea with Kava or use a tincture. For the tincture use 30-60 drops in a cup of water or juice. For an even stronger effect, use full fat milk or a smoothie with full fat yogurt or coconut oil, instead of water.
Valerian is a very helpful sleep aid. If you have insomnia and just haven't been able to get so sleep, try Valerian tincture. Start at 10-15 drops in a cup of water or juice, and move up from there to find the right dosage for you.

Friday, August 3, 2012

How to make a Heating Pad/ Ice Pack

Heat and ice can provide relief from many aches and pains. Today I'm going to tell you how you can make your own heat/ice pad, for very little money!

What you'll need:
2 socks (*1 sock can be pretty and/or soft and fuzzy)
Rubber bands
Funnel with a wide spout (the part where the rice will come OUT)
1 bag of rice (the cheapest you can find)
Lavender Essential Oil

Step 1.
Take the socks and stretch them out. Stretch them height-wise and width-wise. Add a few drops of Lavender Essential oil on both socks.
Step 2.
Take one sock, and funnel it 1/4 full with rice. Put in a few drops of the lavender essential oil. Repeat until the sock is almost full.
Step 3.
Close off the opening of the sock with some rubber bands. Make sure it is tight and secure; you don't want rice spilling out!
Step 4.
Put the rice filled sock into the *second sock with the rubber band end in first. Tuck the open end of the second sock to close it. Your rice sock is ready to use!

*The second sock is the covering, so it can be pretty to look at or soft to the touch. It can also be taken off and washed.

For a Heat Pad: Put it in the microwave for 1-2 minutes, or until is is hot. Be careful not to burn yourself!
For an Ice Pack: Put it in the freezer for 1-3 hours, or until is is cold.
Use like a regular Heating Pad/ Ice Pack. It can help soothe aches, pains, sore/tired muscles, menstrual cramps, backaches, stiffness, etc.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Herbal Relief from PMS

PMS can present a big problem for many women; I know it does for me. Mild to severe menstrual cramps, backache, headache, moodiness, fatigue, bloating and food cravings can all be symptoms of PMS. Some women experience severe discomfort, while others experience little to no discomfort. Most women take over-the-counter drugs or even prescription drugs to help cope with the symptoms of their menstrual cycles. These drugs have negative lasting side effects and truly do throw your body out of balance. There usually isn't a true need to take them because there are many natural, safe and effective alternatives. I have only included simple remedies, most of which I use myself. For more complex and/or specific treatment plans please contact your local Herbalist.

Herbal Blends: Teas/Tinctures*
Cramp Tea- for relieving cramps, backbenches and other pain
1 part Cramp Bark
1 part Pennyroyal
1 part Valerian Root
1/2 part Ginger
To make a tea, use 4-6 tablespoons of this herbal mixture to 1 quart of boiling-hot water. Let steep for at least 20 minutes. It can actually steep for up to 10 hours if you have the extra time. Drink 1/4 cup every 15 minutes until cramps cease/improve.
This herbal mixture can also be made into a tincture: Get a glass jar with a lid, and fill it half way with the herbs. Fill the rest of the way with 80-100 proof vodka and cover. Let it sit in a cool dark place for 8 weeks. Strain with a strainer and cheesecloth. Put the liquid in am amber glass bottle with a dropper top. Store in a cool dark place. Take 10-20 drops in a cup of hot water, or any other hot beverage.

Valarian* can also be tinctured and taken by itself. It can help with sleeping,  moodiness, menstrual cramps, muscle cramps, backaches, and sore/tired muscles.

Natural Diuretic Tea- for relieving bloating/ water retention
2 parts Dandelion Leaf
1 part Pipsissewa Leaf
3 parts Nettle Leaf
1 part Chickweed Leaf
Use the tea or tincture directions above. Drink 3-4 cups of tea daily during PMS.

*I recommend the tincture, which must me prepared in advance, because Valerian tastes and smells disgusting (in my opinion).

To prevent cramps, increase your calcium intake, especially 10 days before your period starts. Eat things with easily digested calcium such as: sesame seeds, tahini, yogurt, kale, spinach, and herbs such as Red Raspberry Leaf and Nettle. Don't drink or eat any cold beverages/food when you have menstrual cramps. Drink and eat plenty of hot beverages/foods.

Keep moving when you can.

Use a heating pad (or rice sock) on your lower abdomen to help ease the pain of menstrual cramps.

Maya Abdominal Massage is a method of massage that can help with menstrual cramps, gastrointestinal problems, fertility and more. This is something that I am personally looking forward to trying. It was recommended to me by one of my Herbalism classmates; she said it really helped her not to have menstrual cramps anymore. To learn more about it and to find a therapist near you visit:

Monday, July 30, 2012

A Credo for Making it Happen.

I love watching this video! This is Danielle Laporte, the author of The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms. This is an AWESOME book! I have the audio version, because she is great to listen too, but I plan on buying the hardcover as well so I can sticky-note it up. The book aspires (and succeeds) to inspire us to follow our passions, to live and give generously and to become successful based on what that means to each of us. It's good stuff. If you can appreciate the video, get the book.

Oh, and be sure to watch this video regularly!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Do you CSA?

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. CSA embodies a special relationship that links farmers directly with the people, and provides fresh food, usually at low prices, to the community. With CSA, at the beginning of the season, people buy shares of a local farm's anticipated harvest and then receive weekly shares of the produce harvested that week. CSA seasons usually run from May or June to October or November. Some farms have extended growing seasons, which can include spring and winter; it's a great treat to find a Farm that offers CSA shares all year long. Often times you can get a large share or a small share (which may be very other week) to accommodate smaller households and larger families. A CSA subscription can be an amazing deal if you want to eat fresh, local and organic produce (and sometimes milk, eggs and meat) at a reasonable cost. It may very well be the difference between whether or not you can afford this quality and abundance of food.

I have found a farm offering CSA shares in my area all year long. The farm is Tangherini's Spring Street Farm located in Millis, MA ( ). Although, the  main season is already up and running, I plan on getting the Winter and Deep Winter CSA shares. It costs $400 for 4 months, so $100 per month for organic, local veggies for 4 people isn't bad at all. I truly love the idea of CSA; I am a big fan of buying things from local vendors and small businesses as opposed to buying them from big corporations. This way of shopping and spending money seems like a much more sustainable way of living. The food you get from CSA is also better for you. It is FRESH and local; it was harvested that week. It was picked at it's prime ripeness, which means it has the most vitamins and minerals; grocery store produce is picked early and hasn't had enough time to produce the maximum amount of nutrients. It is organic (sometimes... a farm offering CSA shares may or may not be organic, Tangerini's food is organically grown.), which means you don't have to be worried about consuming harmful chemicals.

In my opinion a CSA is truly a healthy, sustainable and affordable lifestyle choice. Check and see if there are any CSAs near you!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

My name is Lotachi, and I'm a Healer.

My name is Lotachi, and I'm a Healer. I've found my calling in life, and that is to heal using natural and holistic methods that optimize the body's innate ability to heal itself.

Although I am a Healer, currently I am a "Professional" Healer-in-Training. I am in massage school, I'm taking an online Certified Herbalist course taught by Demetria Clark, and I am doing extensive self-study on the Whole Foods lifestyle and Nutritional Therapy. I am actually pre-reading the required books for a Nutritional Therapy course I plan to start in February. I am taking a break from pursuing my BS to do what I want to do, what I NEED to do.

This is a time in my life of much knowledge seeking and TRUTH seeking. I am looking for my truth, my healthful self, my state of balance, my intuition and my peace; and I figure I can help other people find those things for themselves as well and develop my career. I'm really excited to be on this journey seeking health and starting my life's work.

New Mantra: Be disciplined. To get things you've never had, you must do things you've never done.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

One habit at a time.

Today while looking through the Institute of Intergrative Nutrition's Facebook page I saw they had posted the question "What was the best piece of health advice you've ever given or received?" I thought this post would certainly have some really great nuggets of healthful information, so I started reading the replies. I came to one that resonated with me so much that I had to stop reading. It said:

One habit at a time

This small sentence, or rather sentence fragment, made me feel like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. 

One habit at a time

It's such a simple and obvious concept, but sometimes it can be ignored or hard to accept. On this journey to health that I have begun, I sometimes feel overwhelmed at the amount of change I need to make to be the physically, mentally and spiritually healthy person I want to be. There is so much wrong with our society's ways of producing food, eating, healing, working and views of health in general that it truly astounds me. when I think about how I want to start eating only pastured meat and eggs, eating only organically produced foods, subscribing to a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), taking herbs daily, getting massage at least twice a month, doing Yoga everyday, meditating everyday and eating raw cultured veggies, among other things. I feel SWAMPED when I think about this list! And everyday I learn a new piece of information that I place on top of my pile of things I want to incorporate into my healthy living practices. But now I can remember: 

One habit at a time

This piece of advice can help me take a deep breath and FOCUS on the habit at hand. They say it takes 3 weeks to make or break a habit. I'm going to start working on one or two habits for 3-4 weeks. I'm hoping this new approach will help me to feel unintimidated and in control and will  help me make lasting lifestyle changes.

New Mantra: One habit at a time.