Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Daily Practice: FEELING Gratitude

If you've been feeling down lately about your situation, something that may help with this is the act of giving thanks. If you take time out of your day, everyday, to intentionally FEEL Gratitude, you can really improve your mood, and therefore your circumstances. I've started making this a daily practice, and have truly been feeling better about myself and my circumstances. This practice has also had an effect on my relationships. I thank God (or whom/whatever you want to thank) everyday for the things I feel most strongly about on that day and the things I intentionally want to have a better attitude about.

How to have a daily practice of Feeling Gratitude:

Carve out a time everyday for your practice.

Start a journal. Everyday write the things you are grateful for. Include the first things that come to mind (ex. I am grateful for being able to read and write) as well as things you intentionally want to feel grateful for (ex. I want to have a better relationship with my partner, and one of the things that will help with this is me having a better attitude about the relationship, therefore I write: I am thankful for my loving and supportive partner, _____ )

Speak your gratitude. Read what you've written in your journal aloud.

Visualize. Feel gratitude. It isn't enough to just say your grateful, you must actually feel the feelings of gratitude. (Example: Think about all the opportunities you have because you can read and write. FEEL how happy you are that you have these opportunities. Focus on the loving and supportive things your partner does for you. FEEL how happy you are to have a partner with these traits, and FEEL the love you have for him/her.) Be sure to do this for each thing you've written on your list for the day.

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