Thursday, November 7, 2013

Eat More Greens and Drink More Water!

Two of the BEST things you can do for your health today are:

  1. Eat more greens.
  2. Drink more water.
Eat more greens. 
Most of us are not eating enough green vegetables. It is easy to go an entire day without getting even one quality serving of greens! Green vegetables provide many important nutrients to keep our bodies working at full capacity, including iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium and vitamins K, C, E and many of the B vitamins. Try to eat some greens with every meal!

Some green vegetables that can easily be included in your diet are kale, collard greens, broccoli  spinach, cabbage, dandelion greens, and lettuce. All of these (except lettuce, which is good for salads) can be sauteed in coconut oil, or steamed, and seasoned with garlic, salt, pepper and any other spices you like. They can be made separately or you can mix some together; kale and collards are delicious together! You should note that dandelion greens are pretty bitter, and are probably best mixed with something else.

An easy way to incorporate greens in every meal is to cook in bulk. You can prepare 1 or 2 large batches of green vegetables for the week, reheating a portion for each meal throughout the week. Or you can saute some up in the morning, and eat a portion with each meal throughout the day. Definitely consider eating greens with your breakfast, they go great with eggs. You can also make an easy salad with lettuce, baby spinach and dandelion greens. And you can quickly throw any greens into your blender with your other smoothie ingredients for a Green smoothie.

Eating greens at every meal doesn't have to be a daunting or difficult task, with a little forethought and effort it can be easy!

Drink more water.

Most of us are also not getting enough water into our systems daily. Very often we drink lots of coffee, juice, soda, and other beverages and may not even have a single cup of water! Drinking water is one of the best ways we can nourish our bodies, and it also happens to be one of the easiest, simplest and cheapest ways to do it. I recommend everyone drink some water before ANYTHING else goes into your mouth, at the very least 16 ounces; this cleanses the colon. Drinking water also improves the skin, can help with weight-loss, can help reduce headaches, can boost energy and so much more! 

I recommend people start off with the goal of drinking 64 ounces of water daily and possibly move up (or down) from there. This may seem like a lot of water, but one way to make it more feasible is to drink 32 ounces of water before you leave the house, or by 9am. Then drink the remaining 32 ounces throughout the day. Adding lemon (and even other fruits) to your water is a great way to improve the health benefits and make it taste better.

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