Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Natural Highs

There are several safe, effective and legal herbs to create natural highs. These are safe to use in this way occasionally. I just want to put it out there, that all of these are contraindicated during pregnancy except Skullcap (so do not use these if you are pregnant!). Always start at the smallest dose and work your way up the dose that's right for your mind and body. Never drive while high, and please be responsible. If you need more information, contact me or your local Herbalist.
General info/Indications: I've used skullcap for headache with success. Skullcap is a great Nervine tonic, which means it nourishes and heals the nervous system. It also has a relaxing effect. Skullcap is great to take for headache, nervous tension and pre-menstrual tension. It is also great for exhaustion, depressed conditions and any kind of withdrawal.
Dosage: 3-10 or more droppers of tincture for a higher state of consciousness.

Kava Kava
General info/Indications: I was first introduced to Kava when it was suggested that I take it when going through a tough time and having a series of bad days. Kava has been described as a "mild tranquilizer o relax the mind and clarify the thought processes, soothe the temperament and induce a mild euphoria with feelings of peace and harmony". It is used around the world for these reasons.
Dosage: 3-50 or more droppers of tincture for mind altering states. I would also recommend taking the tincture in a smoothie with coconut oil or with whole milk if possible as it is fat soluble.

Holy Basil/Tulsi
General info/Indications: My first experience with Holy Basil was for consciousness shifting at a Shamanic Plant Journeying workshop. Holy Basil is a calming adaptogen. It can help cope with stress and clarify thinking. It is used to clear "mental fog" caused by cannabis smoking, "cloudy thinking" caused by menopause, poor memory, ADD and ADHD as well as speed up recovery from head trauma.
Dosage: 2-4 droppers of tincture 1-4x per day or drink the tea as enjoyed for consciousness shifting.

General info/Indications: Ashwagandha is a calming adaptogen. It enhances endocrine function and heals the thyroid, testes and adrenal glands. It is also a nervine and is very effective for anxiety, fatigue cloudy thinking, stress-induced insomnia and nervous exhaustion. It can be use clear excess cortisol and  to down regulate chronically high cortisol. It is an excellent tonic for the brain, and is a possible aphrodisiac.
Dosage: 3-6 grams of powder or 2-5 droppers of tincture for a natural high. You can use 5 grams of of powder in warm milk or coconut milk before bed for 1 week to reset cortisol levels.

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