Monday, October 22, 2012

How To Make an Herbal Honey

Herbal Honeys are amazing! There are 2 types of herbal honey, one where the bees are left to pollinate vast fields of a specific plant(s), and the second is when honey is infused with herbs. You can make herbal honey for the beautiful flavor it produces or to receive the health benefits of some plants. I've made Lavender and Cinnamon Honeys, and they are absolutely delicious! Here I'll give simple directions on how to make infused herbal honey.
Cinnamon infusing on the left and Lavender on the right.

Clean, dry jar with lid
Honey (Only use pure raw honey; try Goldenrod or Wildflower honey, but you can use any quality honey)
Herbs (such as lavender, cinnamon sticks, motherwort, etc: I prefer dry herbs because then you don't have to worry about water or fermentation, but fresh herbs can be used and are said to taste better/stronger)
Clean dry knife
Wax paper

  1. Fill the jar 1/4-1/3 of the way with plant material.
  2. Fill the jar the rest of the way with honey.
  3. Mix well with the knife.
  4. Mix some more!
  5. Put a piece of wax paper on the mouth of the jar, then cap.
  6. Let sit for 2-3 weeks (or more). Flip upside down several times every day.
  7. To strain: Heat honey to no more than 100-104 degrees F. You can heat a small pot of water and put the jar in the pot. This makes it more liquid and easier to pour and strain.
  8. Pour honey into a fine mesh strainer over a jar.
  9. Enjoy! Infused honey can last up to a year.

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