Friday, October 26, 2012

My Blog is My Friend

My blog is my friend. I tell her about all the amazing things I'm learning, and she listens eagerly and then shares it with the world. I tell her facts, give her my opinions and even speculate with her. She's always interested, and because she's so generous, I know someone else somewhere out there is too. 
For this I'm grateful.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Natural Highs

There are several safe, effective and legal herbs to create natural highs. These are safe to use in this way occasionally. I just want to put it out there, that all of these are contraindicated during pregnancy except Skullcap (so do not use these if you are pregnant!). Always start at the smallest dose and work your way up the dose that's right for your mind and body. Never drive while high, and please be responsible. If you need more information, contact me or your local Herbalist.
General info/Indications: I've used skullcap for headache with success. Skullcap is a great Nervine tonic, which means it nourishes and heals the nervous system. It also has a relaxing effect. Skullcap is great to take for headache, nervous tension and pre-menstrual tension. It is also great for exhaustion, depressed conditions and any kind of withdrawal.
Dosage: 3-10 or more droppers of tincture for a higher state of consciousness.

Kava Kava
General info/Indications: I was first introduced to Kava when it was suggested that I take it when going through a tough time and having a series of bad days. Kava has been described as a "mild tranquilizer o relax the mind and clarify the thought processes, soothe the temperament and induce a mild euphoria with feelings of peace and harmony". It is used around the world for these reasons.
Dosage: 3-50 or more droppers of tincture for mind altering states. I would also recommend taking the tincture in a smoothie with coconut oil or with whole milk if possible as it is fat soluble.

Holy Basil/Tulsi
General info/Indications: My first experience with Holy Basil was for consciousness shifting at a Shamanic Plant Journeying workshop. Holy Basil is a calming adaptogen. It can help cope with stress and clarify thinking. It is used to clear "mental fog" caused by cannabis smoking, "cloudy thinking" caused by menopause, poor memory, ADD and ADHD as well as speed up recovery from head trauma.
Dosage: 2-4 droppers of tincture 1-4x per day or drink the tea as enjoyed for consciousness shifting.

General info/Indications: Ashwagandha is a calming adaptogen. It enhances endocrine function and heals the thyroid, testes and adrenal glands. It is also a nervine and is very effective for anxiety, fatigue cloudy thinking, stress-induced insomnia and nervous exhaustion. It can be use clear excess cortisol and  to down regulate chronically high cortisol. It is an excellent tonic for the brain, and is a possible aphrodisiac.
Dosage: 3-6 grams of powder or 2-5 droppers of tincture for a natural high. You can use 5 grams of of powder in warm milk or coconut milk before bed for 1 week to reset cortisol levels.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Re-patterning Our Nervous Systems

This post is actually the prequel to my post on safe and legal ways to get a natural high. This is taken from Jessica Godino's Natural Highs Handout from the Southeastern Women's Herbal Conference 2012, NC.

Before we can inhabit a maintained state of ecstasy/bliss we need to repattern our nervous systems out of the chronic fight or flight most of us are in; stress hormones will block our intrinsic feel good hormones.

Principles of transforming outr nervous systems

Create an environment that allows for the production of intrinsic “feel good” neurochemicals by eliminated stress hormones as much as possible, help our nervous systems become adapted to handle bliss.
  1. Sleep in total darkness (like our ancestors did except during the full moon. supports melatonin production which is the precursor hormone to many mind-altering and consciousness uplifting chemicals in our body. Most importantly, this is the fastest way to regulate your cortisol levels)
  2. Decrease stress however you can don’t argue... just do it. Get help to give up your addiction to chronic stress.
  3. Take herbs that lower cortisol: ashwaganda, holy basil
  4. Take nervines to heal nervous systems that are stuck in fight or flight: ashwaganda, skullcap, oatstraw.
  5. Eat plenty of saturated fat, including organic coconut oil and milk, butter, and lard. (fat heals and calms the nervous system and adrenals like nothing else... try it and you will see)
  6. Exercise, especially high intensity or with weights (this seems to induce a remarkable resiliency to stress, as well as producing its own natural endorphin high)
  7. Get your blood sugar under control. Blood sugar instability, in the form of high (insulin resistance or diabetes), or low (hypoglycemia) is one of the single biggest internal driving factors of high cortisol.
  8. Nourish yourself. The nervous system THRIVES in the presence of not only fat but minerals. Eat mineral rich foods and herbs (like nettles, oatstraw) and avoid mineral depleting foods (like unsoaked grains and vegetable oils)

If you have been in fight or flight for years, it can months or years to change the habit. It may be the single most important thing you do for your health and consciousness.

Monday, October 22, 2012

How To Make an Herbal Honey

Herbal Honeys are amazing! There are 2 types of herbal honey, one where the bees are left to pollinate vast fields of a specific plant(s), and the second is when honey is infused with herbs. You can make herbal honey for the beautiful flavor it produces or to receive the health benefits of some plants. I've made Lavender and Cinnamon Honeys, and they are absolutely delicious! Here I'll give simple directions on how to make infused herbal honey.
Cinnamon infusing on the left and Lavender on the right.

Clean, dry jar with lid
Honey (Only use pure raw honey; try Goldenrod or Wildflower honey, but you can use any quality honey)
Herbs (such as lavender, cinnamon sticks, motherwort, etc: I prefer dry herbs because then you don't have to worry about water or fermentation, but fresh herbs can be used and are said to taste better/stronger)
Clean dry knife
Wax paper

  1. Fill the jar 1/4-1/3 of the way with plant material.
  2. Fill the jar the rest of the way with honey.
  3. Mix well with the knife.
  4. Mix some more!
  5. Put a piece of wax paper on the mouth of the jar, then cap.
  6. Let sit for 2-3 weeks (or more). Flip upside down several times every day.
  7. To strain: Heat honey to no more than 100-104 degrees F. You can heat a small pot of water and put the jar in the pot. This makes it more liquid and easier to pour and strain.
  8. Pour honey into a fine mesh strainer over a jar.
  9. Enjoy! Infused honey can last up to a year.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Benefits of Honey

Honey is a very beneficial food and medicine. Pure raw honey contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes not available in refined honey.  Darker honey tends to have higher levels of antioxidants. You can buy different types of honey, where the bees pollinate certain types of plants such as Blueberry, Clover, Manuka, Orange Blossom and Wildflower. You can also infuse herbs and plants in honey, such as Lavender  Cinnamon, Hawthorne, Motherwort and Comfrey, which can give flavor and/or more health properties. Raw honey comes with a myriad of health benefits Including:

  1. Honey heals wounds by sucking out water and killing microbes and heals burns. It also has a High pH. To use honey to heal wounds: a) Fill wound with honey. b) Put some honey on a gauze pad. c) Put the gauze on the wound. d) Put another dry gauze pad on top and use adhesive tape to secure. *You can try infusing would healing herbs like Comfrey into your honey for wounds.
  2. Honey contains antioxidants, which help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.
  3. Honey reduces cough and throat irritation, and has been shown to be just as effective, if not more effective, as over-the-counter cough medicine.
  4. Honey has live enzymes and friendly bacteria that are good for your body and digestive system.
  5. Honey can prevent seasonal allergies. Take a Tablespoon of LOCAL honey everyday, and when allergy season comes your symptoms will likely be lessened. This must be started long before your allergy season is here. Other ways you consume honey also can count towards your daily tablespoon.
  6. Honey is also very useful for skin and hair. It has antibacterial properties and is moisturizing and nourishing. You can include honey in many skin and hair DIY recipes. You can use honey as a hair conditioner. Just coat your hair with honey after washing (hopefully with a no-poo method) and rinse thoroughly.
These are just some of the wonders of honey. Make sure you add honey to your diet and substitute it for refined white sugar when you can.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

How to make a Strawberry Cordial

2 Clean jars
Mixing spoon (at least as tall as the jar) 

  1. Wash and dry the strawberries. Cut off the leaves and the white part at the top. 
  2. Slice Strawberries in half .
  3. Fill the jar ¾ of the way with strawberries.
  4. Fill the jar with vodka.
  5. Store in a cool dark place for 2 weeks. Shake the jar everyday.
  6. Strain the strawberries from the vodka, leaving a little bit of vodka with the strawberries.
  7. Add the sugar to the strawberries and mix well: use 2 cups of sugar for each pound of strawberries. There should be one jar with vodka and another with strawberries, a little vodka and sugar. You can adjust the amount of sugar to your liking.
  8. Store in a cool dark place for 1 month. Shake occasionally.
  9. Mix the strawberry mixture with the vodka. Mix thoroughly.
  10. Strain the strawberries from the vodka.
  11. Store the vodka in a cool dark place for 4-6 more months. The longer it sits, the better the flavor.
  12. Enjoy or bottle and gift!

*Experiment with different fruits, such as berries and peaches, and liquors, such as whiskey and rum!

Friday, October 12, 2012

How to Make Kale Chips

Kale chips are a simple easy to make! I made them for the first time recently, and plan to make them frequently to satisfy my salty chip fix. They were pretty good. 1 cup of kale provides you with more than enough vitamins and minerals: 134% of  your daily recommended Vitamin C, 684%  of recommended Vitamin K, 206% of recommended Vitamin A, 25% recommended Manganese among other nutrients. Kale is definitely a a good food choice to incorporate into your healthy diet.

1 bunch of kale
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper

  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Wash and dry your kale. The kale needs to be thoroughly dry.
  3. Remove the stalks from the kale.
  4. Cut or tear the kale into medium (about 1-2 inch) pieces
  5. Put the kale into a bowl. Add the olive oil, salt, pepper and pumpkin seeds. Mix well with your fingers to make sure the kale is covered in oil and spices.
  6. Spread the kale into a baking sheet or 2. You don't want the kale to be on top of each other; spread it out to single layer. You may need to roast your chips in batches because of space.
  7. Put the kale into the oven. Roast for 5-10 minutes. Take your chips out when they are crispy but still green; you don't want your chips to turn brown
  8. Enjoy!

*Recipe adapted from 50 Shades of Kale.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Prayer for Abundance

This is another prayer I say to ask for Abundance and Affluence in my life:

Prayer for Abundance

I acknowledge that the greatest service I can offer the world
Is to live a life of love and joy,
Living the life of my dreams, doing what I love the most
And sharing it with the world.
I allow abundance to flow to and through my life
In an ever widening, infinite stream,
Expanding my horizons, transforming my experiences
And growing the positive difference I make in the world.

I allow the creation of my visions and dreams
With ease and grace,
Along a beautiful and magical path of wonder and joy.

I choose to honour myself, taking delight in my journey
And the exciting new life that unfolds before me.

I allow the Universe to honour me abundantly in
Love, health, wealth, friendship, family and fun!!

Given and received with Thanks! (*I give and receive with thanks)

By Lisa Frost

*Change and use this to fit into your life!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Simple Prayer of Thanks

This is a prayer that I say daily to help me feel gratitude and give thanks:

A Simple Prayer of Thanks

I am grateful for my family and friends,
a job to earn my keep, and the health to do it,
and opportunities and the lessons I've learned.
Let me never lose sight of the simple blessings
that form the fabric and foundation of my life,
I am blessed, yesterday, today and tomorrow.

*Change and use this to fit into your life!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Daily Practice: FEELING Gratitude

If you've been feeling down lately about your situation, something that may help with this is the act of giving thanks. If you take time out of your day, everyday, to intentionally FEEL Gratitude, you can really improve your mood, and therefore your circumstances. I've started making this a daily practice, and have truly been feeling better about myself and my circumstances. This practice has also had an effect on my relationships. I thank God (or whom/whatever you want to thank) everyday for the things I feel most strongly about on that day and the things I intentionally want to have a better attitude about.

How to have a daily practice of Feeling Gratitude:

Carve out a time everyday for your practice.

Start a journal. Everyday write the things you are grateful for. Include the first things that come to mind (ex. I am grateful for being able to read and write) as well as things you intentionally want to feel grateful for (ex. I want to have a better relationship with my partner, and one of the things that will help with this is me having a better attitude about the relationship, therefore I write: I am thankful for my loving and supportive partner, _____ )

Speak your gratitude. Read what you've written in your journal aloud.

Visualize. Feel gratitude. It isn't enough to just say your grateful, you must actually feel the feelings of gratitude. (Example: Think about all the opportunities you have because you can read and write. FEEL how happy you are that you have these opportunities. Focus on the loving and supportive things your partner does for you. FEEL how happy you are to have a partner with these traits, and FEEL the love you have for him/her.) Be sure to do this for each thing you've written on your list for the day.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Eat Naked

Margaret Floyd, the author of Eat Naked

I've been well, thanks. How about you?

I took a break from posting, but now I'm back!

I've finished my first term of massage school, and this is actually my last day of my 2-week break. I've been enjoying doing a whole bunch of nothing! I've been relaxing, mostly. Looking forward to starting back up with school tomorrow. I have also been trying to apply the Law of Attraction to my life by trying to develop some positive habits. I've started a journal, where I write daily. I write the feelings that I want to feel for the day, what I'm grateful for and some bigger picture goals. I speak these things, as well as say some prayers for abundance and gratitude. I have also been doing some visualization. I have been trying really hard to keep a positive attitude about things and I've been feeling really great since I started this practice. I know it's working and I'm pretty excited to see where this will take me.

I've been continuing with my study of Nutrition, herbs and health. Learning about what health means to me and how I can find my healthy balance. I've been thinking about becoming more active in my community and I'm actually hosting a showing of the "docudrama" Diary of a Tired Black Man, which playfully takes a look at the dynamics between Black men and women. I'm excited about the interesting and likely heated discussion that will follow. If you're in the Boston area, come!

This upcoming weekend I'll be headed down to North Carolina to attend the Southeast Women's Herbal Conference. This is my first time attending, and I'm really excited. I'm totally looking forward to being around so many women interested in and practicing holistically healthy lifestyles. I'm ready for 3 days of workshops and fellow-shipping with some wonderful women. I'm sure I will come back a new me! LOL.