Thursday, August 2, 2012

Herbal Relief from PMS

PMS can present a big problem for many women; I know it does for me. Mild to severe menstrual cramps, backache, headache, moodiness, fatigue, bloating and food cravings can all be symptoms of PMS. Some women experience severe discomfort, while others experience little to no discomfort. Most women take over-the-counter drugs or even prescription drugs to help cope with the symptoms of their menstrual cycles. These drugs have negative lasting side effects and truly do throw your body out of balance. There usually isn't a true need to take them because there are many natural, safe and effective alternatives. I have only included simple remedies, most of which I use myself. For more complex and/or specific treatment plans please contact your local Herbalist.

Herbal Blends: Teas/Tinctures*
Cramp Tea- for relieving cramps, backbenches and other pain
1 part Cramp Bark
1 part Pennyroyal
1 part Valerian Root
1/2 part Ginger
To make a tea, use 4-6 tablespoons of this herbal mixture to 1 quart of boiling-hot water. Let steep for at least 20 minutes. It can actually steep for up to 10 hours if you have the extra time. Drink 1/4 cup every 15 minutes until cramps cease/improve.
This herbal mixture can also be made into a tincture: Get a glass jar with a lid, and fill it half way with the herbs. Fill the rest of the way with 80-100 proof vodka and cover. Let it sit in a cool dark place for 8 weeks. Strain with a strainer and cheesecloth. Put the liquid in am amber glass bottle with a dropper top. Store in a cool dark place. Take 10-20 drops in a cup of hot water, or any other hot beverage.

Valarian* can also be tinctured and taken by itself. It can help with sleeping,  moodiness, menstrual cramps, muscle cramps, backaches, and sore/tired muscles.

Natural Diuretic Tea- for relieving bloating/ water retention
2 parts Dandelion Leaf
1 part Pipsissewa Leaf
3 parts Nettle Leaf
1 part Chickweed Leaf
Use the tea or tincture directions above. Drink 3-4 cups of tea daily during PMS.

*I recommend the tincture, which must me prepared in advance, because Valerian tastes and smells disgusting (in my opinion).

To prevent cramps, increase your calcium intake, especially 10 days before your period starts. Eat things with easily digested calcium such as: sesame seeds, tahini, yogurt, kale, spinach, and herbs such as Red Raspberry Leaf and Nettle. Don't drink or eat any cold beverages/food when you have menstrual cramps. Drink and eat plenty of hot beverages/foods.

Keep moving when you can.

Use a heating pad (or rice sock) on your lower abdomen to help ease the pain of menstrual cramps.

Maya Abdominal Massage is a method of massage that can help with menstrual cramps, gastrointestinal problems, fertility and more. This is something that I am personally looking forward to trying. It was recommended to me by one of my Herbalism classmates; she said it really helped her not to have menstrual cramps anymore. To learn more about it and to find a therapist near you visit:

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